Eid Al Adha Confirmed for Mon 17th Jun 2024
The new crescent moon has been sighted this evening on our masjid roof, and multiple locations around the UK, Alhamdulillah. 1st Dhul Hijjah is tomorrow Sat 8th Jun and Eid al Adha on Mon 17th Jun 2024 In Sha Allah.
WFIA has always sought bona fide legimate sightings to ensure the new Islamic month start on the basis of certainty. Alhamdulillah, our teams saw the new crescent moon with for both Eid al Fitr and Eid Al Adha. This is unprecedented and has allowed us to make Eid announcements based on our own sightings.
The first picture below shows the new crescent moon from the masjid roof, Alhamdulillah. The second image is from the Morocco Awqaf – which is amongt the most respected countries on earth who follow moonsighting.
Dhul Hijjah Mubarak.